Jan 28, 2013

Mini-post: Scented memories

Softly scented memories wafting through the corners of my mind. 
The scents that once enveloped me. The scents that have drifted away.


Jan 11, 2013

Aarzoo kehte hain isse

आरज़ू कहते हैं इसे,
हठ्ठि है ये बड़ी,
छिपा के रख दिया था कहीं,
एक दिन अचानक ही उठ पड़ी|

मन की सिपाही है,
सीना ताने दंट्के खड़ी,
हार बहुत देखी है इसने,
पर हार ये माने नहीं|

कह सकते हैं महामारी है,
मुश्किल है मिटाना जो एक बार लगती,
बस जाए जड़ें बनाकर,
नशे सी ये रूह में रीस्ती|

हक़ीक़त से मूह मोड़ना ये जाने,
शीशमहल ख्वाबों में बनवाए,
पंख बाँटती मुफ़्त में हर ख्वाब को,
भ्रम के टूटने से इसे कहाँ खरोंच आए|

ईंधन है ये कभी दौड़ाए कभी जलाए,
हवा में खेल दिखाए,
सोच से बड़ी एक दुनिया से रूबरू कराए,
लेकिन डूबे तो साथ सब कुछ डूबाए|

हमेशा होगी कहीं छिपते छिपाते,
नकारो चाहे जितना, चाहे जितना करो चूर,
हर ख़याल में बसी,
यह आरज़ू न होगी दूर|

आरज़ू कहते हैं इससे,
हठ्ठि है यह बड़ी,
छिपा के रख दिया था कहीं,
एक दिन अचानक ही उठ पड़ी|

© Haem Roy
11th Jan, 2013.

Jan 8, 2013

Haem makes a new blog!

I am very excited!

As some friends put it, "finally" I have started another blog that will feature JUST the stuff I make.

Now what do I make you ask?

I have posted a few recipes now and then on this blog. So, that would be food. Baked, not baked, cooked, etc etc. I will be posting recipes more often now that I have a dedicated blog for it. I wasn't till date, because I did not want to clog this one with just recipes.

In addition, once in a while I try my hand at a bit of DIY. So that shall go up there too. Marinating in my head currently are ideas on making hair accessories. I have loads. So those will go up there too, soon.

Now what is the blog you ask?

Let me have a bit of fun here.

My name is Haem. What ever goes on the blog is made at home, by Haem. Hence... what can the blog be?
You got it! HAEM-MADE!

No no, please don't roll my eyes. It is fun! Come on! Here, check it yourself:

It is new and fresh and budding and all that. Posts will slowly grow, and they shall grow faster if watered with your attention, feedback, love and care (pretty please?).

Looking forward to making more there, and writing more here.