Aug 22, 2017


Have you ever had dark clouds sneak in
When you were basking a bright sunny day?
A little smile edge it's way to you
While you wallowed away?
Have you ever seen the red
Fight it's way out of the white and black?
Or the yellow flower grinning nonchalantly
In a barren field burning all else away?
Seen the lone wave break the surface
Even when the air is still and staid?
You will find the one drop escaping to fall
Tissues be damned, hello shirt stain!
Have you found that river refusing to stop
No matter how crooked the forest makes it?
Try as hard as you can to shut it out

It will sneak in, feelings will find a way!

- © Haem Roy
Aug 2017

Mar 29, 2017

Surrenders and Dead ends

Very long ago, I wrote a short fiction piece called 'Flailing Arms, Quiet Surrender'. Today, I found myself with a follow up, and decided to try a new direction to this story. Comments welcome.


It was a dead end. He had failed.
And so had she.

When he met her all those years ago, he heard her, felt her, and found comfort around her. She closed him out but he was determined to heal her. Only... his determination faded faster than his t-shirt.

He hadn't realised it would be this tough. Or this emotional. There was history, so much history, behind all her complexities. And with every page he turned he got terrified. "Maybe I will only make it worse." "Maybe I can't handle this. She needs someone stronger."

She had started opening up. Revealing secrets. Sharing fears. She was starting to believe he was strong. Maybe strong enough to stay. And rebuild her. She would rebuild him too. She hoped to patch up his insecurities, his fears, with smiles, words and a comforting presence just like he had done with her.

He didn't want to be rebuilt. She was patching him up and he feared getting lost. Losing his past. Slipping away from the sharp edges he loved to toy with.

What do you do when one side of the sinking boat tries to float and find the sky, while the other is eyeing the seabed delightfully?

The boat broke. And so did they. She lost sight of the sky, always hiding from the light and never to try to float again. And he found his seabed, familiar and welcoming, dark and deep.

 - ©Haem Roy
March 2017